Stefaan Conrad Photography

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Progress Feels Good!

I realize that almost two months have passed since my last post…


Since then, I had finals, went to New Zealand and Australia, tried snowmobiling for the first time, and made tons of progress on my thesis project!

Here a few snaps from my time down under. Only a few are edited as taking on each image can make for a daunting task that takes over an hour sometimes.

I gained an extra kick of motivation once school started up again and it pushed me to begin the layout process of my magazine.

First, let’s clear something up. When I say magazine, I do not mean in the sense of a thin, floppy, extra-glossy GQ or Nat Geo style magazine. I mean more of a coffee table book. A product that feels good in your hands and is something you keep laying around to leaf through because it’s beautiful, not something you flip through once and discard.

I had talked to some of the people I admire when it comes to outdoor adventure lifestyle about writing brief articles for me just before the break. A couple weeks ago, I started to receive those pieces and I felt like I could start laying out some spreads.

In the last two weeks I’ve gone from 6 shoots and 0 pages to 8 shoots and 36 pages. I have plenty more bulk layout to do and tons of photo editing. However, seeing such progress is incredibly encouraging.

I’m currently waiting for more written submissions to come in so that I can keep pairing them with shoots and getting spreads generated.

Just to get an idea, here is a peak at a few spreads. Again, photos need editing for cohesiveness but that will come closer to overall layout completion.

Thanks for checking in! Stay tuned for another update on conceptual development because that has progressed significantly as well.
